Discover a unique collection dedicated to Prince Viggo of Denmark, a lesser-known yet intriguing member of the Danish royal family who made significant contributions to Danish society through his diplomatic and charitable endeavors. This collection includes rare signed documents, personal letters, original photographs, and other artifacts that shed light on Prince Viggo’s life, values, and legacy. Perfect for historians, collectors, and royal history enthusiasts, this archive offers a glimpse into the quieter yet impactful life of a prince who valued service over title. Each item in this collection connects to Prince Viggo’s dedication to public service and his lifelong commitment to fostering goodwill.
Prince Viggo, Count of Rosenborg, was born in 1893 as a younger son of Prince Valdemar of Denmark and Princess Marie of Orléans. In 1924, he married Eleanor Green, an American, and renounced his royal title, becoming the Count of Rosenborg to live a life outside of the primary royal line. Despite his departure from royal duties, Prince Viggo remained dedicated to charitable causes and diplomatic service, representing Danish interests abroad and supporting various humanitarian efforts. His legacy is remembered as one of humility, compassion, and dedication to service, providing a unique chapter in Denmark’s royal history.